X-Greece Lifestyle Service
A. X-Greece is managed and operated by X-Greece Partners, a lifestyle management company registered in the GR.
B. The concierge, lifestyle and real estate management service is provided primarily through personalised advice received via phone or email, third party services provided by Partnered Suppliers (PS's) and an online knowledge base (website).
C. Partnered Suppliers are fully audited by X-Greece Partners and accept X-Greece Partners' Terms and Conditions of business.
D. For the purposes of this Agreement, 'Clients' are individuals or corporate entities who use to
X-Greece Lifestyle's concierge and lifestyle management service.
1. Obligations of X-Greece Lifestyle – Use of Website
1.1. The material on this site is subject to X-Greece Lifestyle Partners copyright protection, unless otherwise indicated. X-Greece Lifestyle Partners copyright protected material may be reproduced free of charge in any format or media without specific permission, provided the material is for public use and not for profit, material or financial gain. This is subject to the material being reproduced accurately and not being used in a derogatory manner or in a misleading context.
1.2. Where the material is being published or issued to others, the source and copyright status must be acknowledged. The permission to reproduce X-Greece Lifestyle Partners copyright protected material does not extend to any material on this site which is identified as being the copyright of a third party. Authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned. If there is a restriction on reproduction, any other proposed use of the material would be subject to the approval of X-Greece Partners.
1.3. X-Greece Lifestyle is not responsible for the content or reliability of websites linked to the X-Greece website, and does not necessarily support the views expressed within them. Including a link to a website, should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind. X-Greece cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and has no control over availability of the linked pages.
1.4. You agree to X-Greece , free of charge, permission to use any material you provide on its website and in responses provided to Clients, including modifying and adapting it for operational and editorial reasons.
1.5 X-Greece visitors to this World Wide Web site access to these pages conditional upon your agreement to accept the application of the laws of the UK to govern matters between us in relation to this web site and you agree to indemnify us and not hold us liable for the foreseeable result of any actions you may take based on the information contained herein.
2. Obligations of X-Greece – Use of Support Service
2.1. X-Greece agrees to use all reasonable endeavors to introduce Clients to suitable service professionals who are best suited to meet their needs. For certain jobs, X-Greece may undertake to manage the job and liaise with the service professionals on your behalf.
2.2. X-Greece agrees to use all reasonable efforts to ensure that when Clients use the service, you do not pay more than the local market rate or the recommended retail price for any goods or services concerned.
2.3. X-Greece agrees to update Clients as soon as is reasonably practicable in respect of any fundamental changes within X-Greece, including, amongst other things, systems of work, pricing, fees and additional charges.
2.4. In the event of any complaint about the X-Greece service, Clients should raise the issue directly with X-Greece who undertake to look into the issue within 2 working days of receipt of the complaint and report back to the Client as soon as reasonably practical. This does not in any way affect the Clients' statutory rights.
3. Partnered Suppliers (PS's)
3.1. Where possible X-Greece, will introduce Clients to a service professional that is a Partnered Supplier (PS).
3.2. X-Greece will use all reasonable endeavors to ensure that the PS's are reputable companies offering quality and value to their customers.
3.3. The contract for work to be carried out by the PS is between the Client and the PS.
X-Greece, is not party to that contract.
3.4. It is the responsibility of the PS to communicate its Terms and Conditions of Business, method of work and prices to Clients.
4. Other Service Professionals
4.1. In the event that X-Greece does not have a PS to carry out Clients' requested jobs,
X-Greece will take reasonable steps to find another service professional to do so. X-Greece cannot guarantee such a service professional in any way whatsoever.
5. Client's Obligations
5.1. The service will commence from the time the Client funding the service so agrees in the contract with X-Greece.
5.2. Clients agree to use best endeavors to provide true, accurate, current and complete information when providing details to X-Greece.
5.3. Clients agree to notify X-Greece, as soon as practical of any changes to the information provided, when appropriate.
5.4. Clients agree not to impersonate any other person or entity or to use a false name you are not authorised to use.
6. Charges and Payment
6.1. Clients shall pay all charges reasonably levied by Partnered Suppliers, as notified at the time of booking. You will be notified of any changes to pricing as laid out in clause 2.3.
6.2. Additional charges may be incurred from time to time. These charges will always be agreed in advance.
6.3. From time to time, X-Greece may also charge for specific, complex tasks, presented to you as a 'package'. This will apply where there is no supplier or where X-Greece can provide a more competitive service than existing suppliers. These packages will be defined and agreed with Clients in advance of any additional payment being agreed.
6.4. From time to time, payment for services provided by Partnered Suppliers may have to be managed through X-Greece. In such instances X-Greecewill invoice you. X-Greece will then arrange for the PS to be paid on the terms agreed between X-Greece and the PS.
6.5. X-Greece may earn commission from PS's as a result of introducing you to a PS. In most cases, the commission is calculated as a percentage of the value of the work carried out by the PS on the Client's behalf. This percentage will vary on, amongst other things, the quantity, quality and nature of the work undertaken by the PS for the X-Greece, as a whole. In any event, the level of commission will not override X-Greece, obligation under section 2.2.
7. Confidentiality
7.1. All private information matters or issues that you disclose to X-Greece employees or officers are confidential. Neither will disclose information about Clients to third parties other than for the purposes of this Agreement.
8. Liability
8.1. When Clients instruct a PS, your contract for that PS's services is with the PS not X-Greece.
X-Greece is not responsible for the actions of the PS.
8.2. Subject fully to its obligations under clauses 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1 and 3.2 above, X-Greece, accepts no responsibility for any loss, liability or cost incurred by Clients as a result of any act or omission by the PS.
8.3. Subject fully to its obligations under clauses 2.1 and 2.2 above, X-Greece accepts no responsibility for any loss liability or cost incurred by Clients as a result of any act or omission by any other service professional who is not a PS.
8.4. X-Greece makes no warranty that the web site or use of the service will be uninterrupted, timely or error free.